Sports Climbing Course(2 days)
Learn Sports climbing with Breogfjell! Have you climbed indoors before or have you never climbed before and want to learn the craft? Then this course is perfect for you!
Sports Climbing Course in Sogndal
Kvam climbing area in Sogndal is one of Norway’s largest with over 250 routes ranging from grade 3+ to 10-. The cliff stretches 1.7km parallel to the main road, making it easily accessible.
Sports Climbing Course in Stryn
Stryn has several climbing areas ideal for our course. In Oppstryn, there are two climbing areas, one at Folven camping and a new area in Erdalen. Beachen in Stryn is renowned as one of Norway’s best sport climbing areas.
Day 1
Introduction to the course program, equipment, knots, rope management, rappelling, top-roping, and outdoor climbing hazards.
Day 2
Focused on climbing, leading, basic theory, belaying, and attitudes.
Course Objectives
The goal of the Sports Climbing Course is for you to climb safely outdoors on bolted climbing areas, both on top-rope and lead. We aim to stimulate the joy of climbing outdoors while making you aware of associated dangers.
Course Duration
The course spans two days covering equipment, knots, belaying techniques, top-roping, lead climbing, anchor building, climbing technique, and more.
Our Guides
Breogfjell imposes strict requirements for certification, experience, and local knowledge. We use internationally certified Mountain Guides (UIAGM/IFMGA), Guides in training/apprentices, and NF approved climbing instructors.
Necessary Equipment
List of climbing gear required for the course including harness, belay device, carabiners, climbing rope, helmet, quickdraws, slings, prusik loop, and climbing shoes.
Accommodation and Food
Options for accommodation including lodge, hotel, or campsite. Participants are responsible for bringing packed lunches during course days.
Information about public transport accessibility and assistance in organizing rental cars if needed.